a teacher delivering an assembly on charity at a Kensington School

Charity of the Year: Walkabout Foundation

We are so happy to announce the Walkabout Foundation as our Charity of the Year! This is the first time in our history as a school that we are supporting a single charity throughout a whole year, and we are so thrilled with our collaboration.

This amazing charity was founded in 2009 by a current Wetherby Kensington mum and aims to provide wheelchairs and rehabilitation in the developing world, as well as funding research to find a cure for paralysis.

Carolina and her team came to visit us in school recently, and did a fantastic assembly which was so informative and totally inspiring. We even have a wheelchair tally chart so we can monitor how many wheelchairs we can donate this year. The boys and staff are already planning on taking part in the Wetherby Walkabout in Battersea Park, on Friday 8th October, which we are so excited about!

For more information on this amazing charity, visit the Walkabout Foundation website or watch the video below: